Financial Well-Being of Individuals

Archive for February 2013

Decline Of The American Standard Of Living

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The American standard of living continues to erode. Americans just don’t seem to realize the impact.

In fairness, there have been a number of mechanisms put in place to disguise what should be obvious.

For example, when I was growing up, people had car loans for two to four years. These days they have to stretch that out for up to seven years.

The food you buy at the grocery store costs more because you get a smaller quantity for a similar amount of money.

Also, what one income-earner used to be able to do in the 1960s and early 1970s, now takes two income-earners to produce a similar lifestyle. Yet all of these things are the result of the incompetence and corruption of politicians.

Americans NEED to fight back.

Americans need to adopt a two prong attack:

-join New Political Party,

-follow this blog to learn how to change your finances for a lower cost higher quality life.

Post this on your wall and read it everyday:  POLITICIANS do not care about you and lack the ability to run the nation.


The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

February 24, 2013 at 6:06 pm

Posted in Status

Want To Be Rich?

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An interesting principle.  For every ten that say it there are ten thousand who think it.

Are you one of those who say it or one of those that think it?

“I want to be rich.”

Well, for those of you who either think it or say it; YOU can be rich; or if you are not as ambitious, then financially secure.

How do we know this?

Because of the thousands of people who have become rich by following the principles that we possess.

Do you want to be the next rich person?

If so, follow our blog.


The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

February 3, 2013 at 6:06 pm